Croon's Tune is a short animation about a species of musical creatures called Toon Croons. The main character, starts the story by discovering a paired couple singing in harmony with each other. Dazzled by their song, he sets out on a journey eager to find his own mate. With each encounter of a female he finds comes failure in his attempts. He blasts off his horn like nose causing her to run away in horror, he surprises another as she feeds and brings her to tears, and is driven away when he approaches a female who seemed to be alone until her mate appears and chases the main character away and into hiding. At night fall the lonely Toon Croon is tired and still alone. He walks until his legs give way and is forced to stop and rest upon a hill. He is awakened by a glow of light that flies across his face. Small bright lightening bugs hover above his head. They play in dulcet musical notes as they glow brightly above him. He is encouraged by these little bugs and starts to sing along with them, mimicking their pattern they play as a whole. He follows the lightening bugs through the forest and discovers where they all gather. As he continues to play for the lightening bugs he is unaware of another Toon Croon next to him. She watches, dazzled by his song to the lightening bugs and takes a liking to him as her mate. Happy to have been noticed he continues his song as she sings along with him. The lightening bugs sparkling in the background along with them.
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